If there is anything the public knows about DKE, it is the names of some of the Fraternity's members. What is exceptional about prominent DKE alumni is not that there are so many of them, but that they represent such a large percentage of the membership. Any large fraternity (and some are huge) will produce some famous alumni just by the law of averages, but when a small one produces a lot more, it's not accidental.
As a member of DKE, men inherit a heritage of distinguished predecessors unmatched in the fraternity world. Here are just a few of the great men of DKE who have succeeded over the years.
DKE’s Presidents of the United States of America
Presidents of the
United States of America
- Rutherford B. Hayes
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Gerald R. Ford
- George H.W. Bush
- George W. Bush
- Franklin D. Roosevelt *
Vice Presidents of the
United States of America
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Gerald R. Ford
- George H.W. Bush
- J. Danforth Quayle
President of the Republic
of Cuba
Mario Garcia Menocal
Leader of the Progressive
Conservative Party of Canada
George A. Drew
Speakers of the United States
ouse of Representatives
- Nathaniel P. Banks
- James G. Blaine
- Nicholas Longworth
United States Supreme Court Justices
- Harold H. Burton
- John Hessin Clarke
- Potter Stewart
- Tom Landry (Coach, Dallas Cowboys)
- Joe Paterno (Football Coach, Penn State University)
- George Steinbrenner (Owner, New York Yankees)
- Bobby Jones (Golf Course Designer)
- Calvin Hill (NFL Star)
- Bob Pettit (NBA All Star)
- Cole Porter (Jazz Composer, Playwright)
- Charles Ives (Classical Composer)
- Dick Clark (American Bandstand, Rockin' New Year's Eve, TV Personality)
- Jonathan Winters (Comedian)
- Harry Hamlin (Actor)
- Lloyd Nolan (Actor)
- Theodore Roosevelt (Peace Prize)
- John F. Enders (Prize for Medicine)
Business Founders,
Presidents & Chairmen
- John F. Akers (IBM)
- Edward Bausch (Bausch & Lomb Opticals)
- Henry B. Thayer (AT&T)
- Howard Borden (Borden's Products)
- Owen D. Young (General Electric)
- Harold Swift (Swift & Company)
- William Wrigley III (Wrigley Company)
- Howard Heinz (Heinz Company)
- Howard Johnson (Howard Johnson's hotels)
- William Randolph Hearst (Hearst Newspapers)
- James Gamble (Proctor and Gamble)
- Sidney Colgate (Colgate-Palmolive)
- Herb Kelleher (Southwest Airlines)
- John Pierpont Morgan, Jr. (famous financier)
- Joseph C. Wilson (Xerox)
- Irving H. Chase (Chase Manhattan Bank)
- Dean Witter, Jr. (Dean Witter & Co., now part of
Morgan Stanley) - Walter Hoving (Tiffany & Co.)
- Fred Smith (Federal Express)
- Virginus Dabney (Editorial Writing)
- Charles Ives (Music)
- Ira Harkey Jr. (Editorial Writing)
- Harvey Cushing (Biography)
- Dean Acheson (History)
- Walter A. McDougall (History)
- Rear Adm. Sidney Souers (First Director of the Central Intelligence Agency)
- Melvil Dewey (Devised the Dewey Decimal System)
- Charles Brush (Invented the Storage Battery)
- Charles Ellis (Designed the Golden Gate Bridge)
- Sargent Shriver (First Director of the Peace Corps)
- Albion Small (Founded the First Sociology Department)
- A. Bartlett Giamatti (Former Commissioner of Major League Baseball)
- Robert Peary (1st Man to Reach the North Pole)
- Alan Bean (4th Man to Walk on the Moon)
Over 50 Dekes have served in the U.S. SENATE. Over 140 Dekes have served in the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Over 50 Dekes have served as STATE GOVERNORS. Dekes have been AMBASSADORS to over 36 countries.
*Actually there are six Deke Presidents... F.D.R. was a Deke at Harvard after the Chapter was thrown out for dual membership with Alpha Delta Phi in the 1890s!